
Welcome to this study on decision-making

What is the purpose of this research?

This research is being conducted by the Institute of Cognition & Behavior of WU Vienna. It will help us better understand human decision-making.

What can I expect if I take part in this research?

This study has two parts and will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. For completing this survey, you will enter a lottery which you can win one out of three €25 Amazon Vochers. The lottery will be drawn at the end of the study.
To our knowledge, there are no risks associated with this research study. To the best of our ability, your answers in this study will remain confidential. The records of your responses will be coded in a completely anonymous way. Should you want to partitcipate in the lottery, you will be asked to provide your email address. This information will be stored separately from your survey responses and will not be linked to your answers. No names or sensitive biographic information will be asked of you. Your records will be arbitrarily assigned a subject code number by the system. To secure the transparency of scientific findings, the completely anonymized data set will be published and made available to other researchers. The potential purposes of future analyses of the data cannot be determined.

What should I know about a research study?

  • Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and you can withdraw at any time.
  • Your decision will not be held against you.
  • Please note that we can only add participants who complete the last page of the survey to the lottery pool.

Who can I talk to?

If you have further questions about this project or if you have a research-related problem, you may contact Linda Gross at linda.gross@s.wu.ac.at, or the supervisor, Hooman Habibnia, by email at hooman.habibnia@wu.ac.at.

Yes, I consent to participate in this study.